
A survey of general dentists regarding orthodontic retention procedures.

Written by on February 28, 2017

Eur J Orthod. 2017 Feb;39(1):69-75. doi: 10.1093/ejo/cjw011. Epub 2016 Mar 11.

Habegger M(1), Renkema AM(1), Bronkhorst E(2), Fudalej PS(3)(4), Katsaros C(1).

Author information:

(1)Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, University of Bern,


(2)Departments of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Biology and.

(3)Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, University of Bern,

Switzerland, piotr.fudalej@zmk.unibe.ch.

(4)Department of Community and Restorative Dentistry, Radboud University

Nijmegen Medical Centre, The Netherlands, and.


AIM: To explore 1. how Swiss general dentists deal with complications associated

with fixed orthodontic retainers, 2. collaboration between general dentists and

orthodontists with regards to the organization and responsibility for long-term

follow-up of orthodontic retainers, and 3. the need for standardized clinical

guidelines regarding orthodontic retention.

METHODS: A structured questionnaire was sent to 201 randomly selected dentists.

They were asked about their experience with retainers, opinions regarding the

advantages and disadvantages of different types of retainers, responsibility for

patients wearing bonded retention and the communication between orthodontists

and general dentists. Statistical analysis was carried out using SPSS software.

RESULTS: The response rate was 61 per cent. About 55 per cent of the respondents

had had experience with bonding fixed retainers and even more were familiar with

their follow-up and repair. In case of complications, dentists usually contacted

orthodontists according to the following rule: the more severe the complication,

the more intense the communication. Most dentists hesitated to remove retainers

when requested to do so by the patient and attempted to convince them to

continue wearing them. Retainers bonded to all six anterior teeth were

considered more efficient than those bonded to canines only; however, possible

side effects (e.g. unwanted changes of the torque) were not well known. 66.4 per

cent respondents were willing to take responsibility for patients in retention

as early as 6 months after retainer placement. 93.2 per cent respondents would

welcome the establishment of standardized guidelines.

CONCLUSIONS: Swiss general dentists have good knowledge of orthodontic retention

and follow-up procedures. Nevertheless, introduction of clinical guidelines

including information on the possible side-effects of bonded retention is


© The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the

European Orthodontic Society. All rights reserved. For permissions, please

email: journals.permissions@oup.com.

DOI: 10.1093/ejo/cjw011

PMID: 26969423 [Indexed for MEDLINE]